I would like to comment for a moment about the passing of President Gordon B. Hinckley. On January 31, 2008 I was in Salt Lake for an job interveiw and I decided it was important to me to stop by the veiwing for president Hinckley. I was impressed by the outporing of love and reverence this community showed forth. I wanted to take a picture as I left to remember being there (My camera had no batteries, but thankfully Meridian Magazine took the picture for me, it is part of a wonderful article.) I realized as I was there how memorable his passing will be. I had the thought come to me that when I look back at this time in my life I will remember it not for the job searching, or the stress about which degree to get, I will remember January 2008 as Marie and I with Chris and Cyndi when the Prophet passed away. I will remember being at his veiwing.

I also had a flood of memories come over me about what I had learned from President Hinckley. I thought of his Be's, and his optimism, I remembered him dedicating the building on BYU-I's campus named for him, and singing for him at President Clark's Luncheon. Mostly I remembered a music and the spoken word I attended a month or so after I got home from my Mission. I remembered President Hinckley walked in and sat down only a few rows away, I thought to myself, you just spent two years telling people he was a prophet of God. I felt a rush of testimony and gratitute to be in the same room as he was. In parting I want to give the links to my favorite talks of President Hinckley's.
The Marvelous Foundation of Our Faith and his remarks at the Hinckley Building Dedicaton.
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