Looking down into the porch room from the plank.

We have the first wall completed and many more forms to set.

The rebar is in between the forms.

The outside forms don't go down to the footing.
They are suspended next to the wall of dirt

When we put the outside forms up, we knocked dirt off the bank and onto the footing.
We had to vacume the dirt up with a used shop Vac that we bought

We are progressing.

It is kind of crowded inside the room with the forms, the people and the tools.

We got the inside forms all in place.

The outside forms will "hang" from the ties that go through the concrete walls.

Dad is inspecting our work.

This is what he sees.

Mom had to lay in the dirt to put in the hardware that would hold the forms together.

Now this is the only way to get in and out of the front porch room.
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